This is a workplace providing work-life balance that prioritizes both professional growth and personal enjoyment.
Okinawa Branch Office M・Rさん
What is your reason for joining the company? (入社の理由を教えてください。)
To pursue a professional position in a reputable organization while making a significant contribution which lead to a great career develeopment. (沖縄の地で定評のある会社であり、専門的な仕事を通して社会に多大な貢献をすることができます。また大きなキャリア形成に繋げられるからです。)
What is your current job description? (現在の仕事内容を教えてください。)
Responsible for the total project management and successful completion of projects within the allotted timeline and budget. (工事完成に向けて工期・予算を管理しています(工事責任者)。)
What do you find most rewarding about your job? (仕事のやりがいは何ですか?)
The most rewarding part of my work is to see that all my efforts lead to positive results for my personal and professional development (自分の努力のすべてが自分自身の成長にも繋がり今後の仕事の成長にもプラスに働くことです。)
What do you like about this department? (この部署の良いところは?)
Working with amazing and talented people, and be part of the best Japanese construction firm. (素晴らしい才能を持った人たちと働くことができ、日本最高の建設会社の一員になれることです。)
What are the difficulties in this department? (この部署の難しいところは?)
I do not have any difficulties working with my department. (今のところ不都合はありません。)
How would you sum up Kyunan in one word? (九南を一言で言うと?)
FAMILY. (家族のようにあたたかい会社です。)
How do you spend your holidays? (休日の過ごし方を教えてください。)
I spend my holidays with my friends and family. (休日は友人や家族と過ごします。)
Do you have any dreams or goals? (夢・目標はありますか?)
To have the brightest future for my family especially my children. (自分の家族、特に子供たちに明るい未来をもたらす事。)
Please give us a final word to the students. (最後に学生に一言お願いします。)
Keep your chin up – ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST – and be proud of your best efforts. (常にベストを尽くし、ベストを尽くしたことに誇りを持とう。)